Delta Regional Authority

7 U.S. Code § 2009aa-1. Delta Regional Authority

(a) Establishment
(1) In general
There is established the Delta Regional Authority.
(2) CompositionThe Authority shall be composed of—
a Federal member, to be appointed by the President, with the advice and consent of the Senate; and
the Governor (or a designee of the Governor) of each State in the region that elects to participate in the Authority.
(3) CochairpersonsThe Authority shall be headed by—
(A) the Federal member, who shall serve—
as the Federal cochairperson; and
as a liaison between the Federal Government and the Authority; and
(B) a State cochairperson, who—
shall be a Governor of a participating State in the region; and
shall be elected by the State members for a term of not less than 1 year.
(b) Alternate members
(1) State alternatesThe State member of a participating State may have a single alternate, who shall be—
a resident of that State; and
appointed by the Governor of the State.
(2) Alternate Federal cochairperson
The President shall appoint an alternate Federal cochairperson.
(3) Quorum
A State alternate shall not be counted toward the establishment of a quorum of the Authority in any instance in which a quorum of the State members is required to be present.
(4) Delegation of powerNo power or responsibility of the Authority specified in paragraphs (2) and (3) of subsection (c), and no voting right of any Authority member, shall be delegated to any person—
who is not an Authority member; or
who is not entitled to vote in Authority meetings.
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