Definitions for class I and class II controlled substances.

§ 82.3 Definitions for class I and class II controlled substances.

As used in this subpart, the term:

Administrator means the Administrator of the United States Environmental Protection Agency or his or her authorized representative. Starting May 18, 2020, reports and petitions that are available to be submitted through the Central Data Exchange, as well as any related supporting documents, must be submitted through that tool. Any other reports and communications shall be submitted to Stratospheric Protection Manager, 1200 Pennsylvania Ave. NW, Mail Code: 6205T, Washington, DC 20460.

Aircraft halon bottle means a vessel used as a component of an aircraft fire suppression system containing halon-1301 or halon-1211 approved under FAA rules for installation in a certificated aircraft.

Appliance means any device which contains and uses a refrigerant and which is used for household or commercial purposes, including any air conditioner, refrigerator, chiller, or freezer.

Applicator means the person who applies methyl bromide.

Approved critical use(s) means those uses of methyl bromide listed in Column A of appendix L to this subpart as further clarified in Columns B and C of that appendix.

Approved critical user(s) means a person who:

(1) For the applicable control period, applied to EPA for a critical use exemption or is a member of a consortium that applied to EPA for a critical use exemption for a use and location of use that was included in the U.S. nomination, authorized by a Decision of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol, and then finally determined by EPA in a notice-and-comment rulemaking to be an approved critical use; and

(2) Has an area in the applicable location of use that requires methyl bromide fumigation because the person reasonably expects that the area will be subject to a limiting critical condition during the applicable control period.

Article 5 allowances means the allowances apportioned under §§ 82.9(a), 82.11(a)(2), and 82.18(a).

Baseline consumption allowances means the consumption allowances apportioned under §§ 82.6 and 82.19.

Baseline production allowances means the production allowances apportioned under §§ 82.5 and 82.17.

Beijing Amendments means the Montreal Protocol, as amended at the Eleventh Meeting of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol in Beijing in 1999.

Calculated level means the weighted amount of a controlled substance determined by multiplying the amount (in kilograms) of the controlled substance by that substance's ozone depletion potential (ODP) weight listed in appendix A or appendix B to this subpart.

Central Data Exchange means EPA's centralized electronic document receiving system, or its successors.

Class I refers to the controlled substances listed in appendix A to this subpart.

Class II refers to the controlled substances listed in appendix B to this subpart.

Commodity Owner, Shipper or their Agent means the person requesting that an applicator use methyl bromide for quarantine or preshipment applications.

Completely destroy means to cause the expiration of a controlled substance at a destruction efficiency of 98 percent or greater, using one of the destruction technologies approved by the Parties.

Confer means to shift the essential-use allowances obtained under § 82.8 from the holder of the unexpended essential-use allowances to a person for the production of a specified controlled substance.

Consortium means an organization representing a group of methyl bromide users that has collectively submitted an application for a critical use exemption on behalf of all members of the group. The members of a consortium shall be determined on the basis of the rules established by the organization. Members may either be required to formally join the consortium (e.g., by submitting an application or paying dues) or may automatically become members upon meeting particular criteria (e.g., a grower of a specific crop in a particular region).

Consumption means the production plus imports minus exports of a controlled substance (other than transhipments, or used controlled substances).

Consumption allowances means the privileges granted by this subpart to produce and import controlled substances; however, consumption allowances may be used to produce controlled substances only in conjunction with production allowances. A person's consumption allowances for class I substances are the total of the allowances obtained under §§ 82.6 and 82.7 as may be modified under § 82.12 (transfer of allowances). A person's consumption allowances for class II controlled substances are the total of the allowances obtained under §§ 82.19 and 82.20, as may be modified under § 82.23.

Control period means the period from January 1, 1992 through December 31, 1992, and each twelve-month period from January 1 through December 31, thereafter.

Controlled product means a product that contains a controlled substance listed as a Class I, Group I or II substance in appendix A to this subpart. Controlled products include, but are not limited to, those products listed in appendix D to this subpart.

Controlled products belong to one or more of the following six categories of products:

(1) Automobile and truck air conditioning units (whether incorporated in vehicles or not);

(2) Domestic and commercial refrigeration and air-conditioning/heat pump equipment (whether containing controlled substances as a refrigerant and/or in insulating material of the product), e.g. Refrigerators, Freezers, Dehumidifiers, Water coolers, Ice machines, Air-conditioning and heat pump units;

(3) Aerosol products, except medical aerosols;

(4) Portable fire extinguishers;

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