
§ 247.3 Definitions.

As used in this procurement guideline and the related Recovered Materials Advisory Notice(s):

Act or RCRA means the Solid Waste Disposal Act, as amended by the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, as amended, 42 U.S.C 6901 et seq;

Awards and plaques refers to free-standing statues and boardlike products generally used as wall-hangings.

Bike racks are free-standing or anchored units that provide a method for cyclists to secure their bicycles safely.

Blanket insulation means relatively flat and flexible insulation in coherent sheet form, furnished in units of substantial area. Batt insulation is included in this term;

Blasting grit is a type of industrial abrasive used to shape, cut, sharpen, polish, or finish surfaces and materials.

Board insulation means semi-rigid insulation preformed into rectangular units having a degree of suppleness, particularly related to their geometrical dimensions;

Building insulation means a material, primarily designed to resist heat flow, which is installed between the conditioned volume of a building and adjacent unconditioned volumes or the outside. This term includes but is not limited to insulation products such as blanket, board, spray-in-place, and loose-fill that are used as ceiling, floor, foundation, and wall insulation;

Carpet cushion, also known as carpet underlay, is padding placed beneath carpet to reduce carpet wear caused by foot traffic or furniture indentation, enhance comfort, and prolong appearance.

Cellulose fiber loose-fill means a basic material of recycled wood-based cellulosic fiber made from selected paper, paperboard stock, or ground wood stock, excluding contaminated materials which may reasonably be expected to be retained in the finished product, with suitable chemicals introduced to provide properties such as flame resistance, processing and handling characteristics. The basic cellulosic material may be processed into a form suitable for installation by pneumatic or pouring methods;

Cenospheres, a naturally-occurring waste component of coal fly ash, are very small, inert, lightweight, hollow, “glass” spheres composed of silica and alumina and filled with air or other gases.

Channelizers means highly visible barrels or drums that can be positioned to direct traffic through detours;

Compost is a thermophilic converted product with high humus content. Compost can be used as a soil amendment and can also be used to prevent or remediate pollutants in soil, air, and storm water run-off.

Delineator means a highly visible pavement marker that can be positioned to direct traffic or define boundaries;

Engine lubricating oils means petroleum-based oils used for reducing friction in engine parts;

Federal agency means any department, agency, or other instrumentality of the Federal government; any independent agency or establishment of the Federal government including any government corporation; and the Government Printing Office;

Fertilizer made from recovered organic materials is a single or blended substance, made from organic matter such as plant and animal by-products, manure-based or biosolid products, and rock and mineral powders, that contains one or more recognized plant nutrient(s) and is used primarily for its plant nutrient content and is designed for use or claimed to have value in promoting plant growth.

Fiberglass insulation means insulation which is composed principally of glass fibers, with or without binders;

Flexible delineator means a highly visible marker that can be positioned to direct traffic or define boundaries and that will flex if struck by a vehicle to prevent damage to the vehicle or the delineator;

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