
§ 702.33 Definitions.

All definitions in TSCA apply to this subpart. In addition, the following definitions apply:

Act means the Toxic Substances Control Act, as amended (15 U.S.C. 2601 et seq.).

Aggregate exposure means the combined exposures to an individual from a single chemical substance across multiple routes and across multiple pathways.

Best available science means science that is reliable and unbiased. Use of best available science involves the use of supporting studies conducted in accordance with sound and objective science practices, including, when available, peer reviewed science and supporting studies and data collected by accepted methods or best available methods (if the reliability of the method and the nature of the decision justifies use of the data). Additionally, EPA will consider as applicable:

(1) The extent to which the scientific information, technical procedures, measures, methods, protocols, methodologies, or models employed to generate the information are reasonable for and consistent with the intended use of the information;

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