
§ 142.2 Definitions.

As used in this part, and except as otherwise specifically provided:

Act means the Public Health Service Act.

Administrator means the Administrator of the United States Environmental Protection Agency or his authorized representative.

Agency means the United States Environmental Protection Agency.

Approved State primacy program consists of those program elements listed in § 142.11(a) that were submitted with the initial State application for primary enforcement authority and approved by the EPA Administrator and all State program revisions thereafter that were approved by the EPA Administrator.

Contaminant means any physical, chemical, biological, or radiological substance or matter in water.

Federal agency means any department, agency, or instrumentality of the United States.

Indian Tribe means any Indian Tribe having a Federally recognized governing body carrying out substantial governmental duties and powers over a defined area.

Interstate Agency means an agency of two or more States established by or under an agreement or compact approved by the Congress, or any other agency of two or more States or Indian Tribes having substantial powers or duties pertaining to the control of pollution as determined and approved by the Administrator.

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