
§ 35.6015 Definitions.

(a) As used in this subpart, the following words and terms shall have the following meanings:

Activity. A set of CERCLA-funded tasks that makes up a segment of the sequence of events undertaken in determining, planning, and conducting a response to a release or potential release of a hazardous substance. These include Core Program, pre-remedial (i.e., preliminary assessments and site inspections), support agency, remedial investigation/feasibility studies, remedial design, remedial action, removal, and enforcement activities.

Allowable costs. Those project costs that are: Eligible, reasonable, necessary, and allocable to the project; permitted by the appropriate Federal cost principles; and approved by EPA in the Cooperative Agreement and/or Superfund State Contract.

Architectural or engineering (A/E) services. Consultation, investigations, reports, or services for design-type projects within the scope of the practice of architecture or professional engineering as defined by the laws of the State or territory in which the recipient is located.

Award official. The EPA official with the authority to execute Cooperative Agreements and Superfund State Contracts and to take other actions authorized by EPA Orders.

Budget period. The length of time EPA specifies in a Cooperative Agreement during which the recipient may expend or obligate Federal funds.

CERCLA. The Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980, as amended (42 U.S.C. 9601—9657).

Change order. A written order issued by a recipient, or its designated agent, to its contractor authorizing an addition to, deletion from, or revision of, a contract, usually initiated at the contractor's request.

Claim. A demand or written assertion by a contractor seeking, as a matter of right, changes in contract duration, costs, or other provisions, which originally have been rejected by the recipient.

Closeout. The final EPA or recipient actions taken to assure satisfactory completion of project work and to fulfill administrative requirements, including financial settlement, submission of acceptable required final reports, and resolution of any outstanding issues under the Cooperative Agreement and/or Superfund State Contract.

Community Relations Plan (CRP). A management and planning tool outlining the specific community relations activities to be undertaken during the course of a response. It is designed to provide for two-way communication between the affected community and the agencies responsible for conducting a response action, and to assure public input into the decision-making process related to the affected communities.

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