
§ 1090.80 Definitions.

500 ppm LM diesel fuel means diesel fuel subject to the alternative sulfur standards in § 1090.320 that is produced by a transmix processor under § 1090.515.

Additization means the addition of detergent to gasoline to create detergent-additized gasoline.

Aggregated import facility means all import facilities within a PADD owned or operated by an importer and treated as a single fuel manufacturing facility in order to comply with the maximum benzene average standards under § 1090.210(b).

Anhydrous ethanol means ethanol that contains no more than 1.0 volume percent water.

Auditor means any person that conducts audits under subpart S of this part.

Automated detergent blending facility means any facility (including, but not limited to, a truck or individual storage tank) at which detergents are blended with gasoline by means of an injector system calibrated to automatically deliver a specified amount of detergent.

Average standard means a fuel standard applicable over a compliance period.

Batch means a quantity of fuel, fuel additive, or regulated blendstock that has a homogeneous set of properties. This also includes fuel, fuel additive, or regulated blendstock for which homogeneity testing is not required under § 1090.1337(a).

Biodiesel means a diesel fuel composed of mono-alkyl esters made from nonpetroleum feedstocks.

Blender pump means any fuel dispenser where PCG is blended with E85 (made only with PCG and DFE) or DFE to produce gasoline that has an ethanol content greater than that of the PCG. A fuel dispenser that produces gasoline with anything other than PCG and DFE (e.g., natural gas liquids) is a fuel blending facility.

Blending manufacturer means any person who owns, leases, operates, controls, or supervises a fuel blending facility in the United States.

Blendstock means any liquid compound or mixture of compounds (not including fuel or fuel additive) that is used or intended for use as a component of a fuel.

Business day means Monday through Friday, except the legal public holidays specified in 5 U.S.C. 6103 or any other day declared to be a holiday by federal statute or executive order.

Butane means an organic compound with the formula C4H10.

Butane blending facility means a fuel manufacturing facility where butane is blended into PCG.

California diesel means diesel fuel designated by a diesel fuel manufacturer as for use in California.

California gasoline means gasoline designated by a gasoline manufacturer as for use in California.

Carrier means any distributor who transports or stores or causes the transportation or storage of fuel, fuel additive, or regulated blendstock without taking title to or otherwise having any ownership of the fuel, fuel additive, or regulated blendstock, and without altering either the quality or quantity of the fuel, fuel additive, or regulated blendstock.

Category 1 (C1) marine vessel means a vessel that is propelled by an engine(s) that meets the definition of “Category 1” in 40 CFR part 1042.901.

Category 2 (C2) marine vessel means a vessel that is propelled by an engine(s) that meets the definition of “Category 2” in 40 CFR part 1042.901.

Category 3 (C3) marine vessel means a vessel that is propelled by an engine(s) that meets the definition of “Category 3” in 40 CFR part 1042.901.

CBOB means a BOB produced or imported for use outside of an RFG covered area.

Certified butane means butane that is certified to meet the requirements in § 1090.250.

Certified butane blender means a blending manufacturer that produces gasoline by blending certified butane into PCG and that uses the provisions of § 1090.1320(b) to meet the applicable sampling and testing requirements.

Certified butane producer means a regulated blendstock producer that certifies butane as meeting the requirements in § 1090.250.

Certified ethanol denaturant means ethanol denaturant that is certified to meet the requirements in § 1090.275.

Certified ethanol denaturant producer means any person that certifies ethanol denaturant as meeting the requirements in § 1090.275.

Certified non-transportation 15 ppm distillate fuel or certified NTDF has the meaning given in 40 CFR 80.1401.

Certified pentane means pentane that is certified to meet the requirements in § 1090.255.

Certified pentane blender means a blending manufacturer that produces gasoline by blending certified pentane into PCG and that uses the provisions of § 1090.1320 to meet the applicable sampling and testing requirements.

Certified pentane producer means a regulated blendstock producer that certifies pentane as meeting the requirements in § 1090.255.

Compliance period means the calendar year (January 1 through December 31).

Conventional gasoline (CG) means gasoline that is not certified to meet the requirements for RFG in § 1090.220.

Crosscheck program means an arrangement for laboratories to perform measurements from test samples prepared from a single homogeneous fuel batch to establish an accepted reference value for evaluating accuracy of individual laboratories and measurement systems.

Days means calendar days, including weekends and holidays.

Denatured fuel ethanol (DFE) means anhydrous ethanol that contains a denaturant to make it unfit for human consumption, that is produced or imported for use in gasoline, and that meets the standards and requirements in § 1090.270.

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