
§ 433.204 Definitions.


(1) Newly eligible individual means an individual determined eligible for Medicaid in accordance with the requirements of the adult group described in § 435.119 of this chapter, and who, as determined by the State in accordance with the requirements of § 433.206, would not have been eligible for Medicaid under the State's eligibility standards and methodologies for the Medicaid State plan, waiver or demonstration programs in effect in the State as of December 1, 2009, for full benefits or for benchmark coverage described in § 440.330(a), (b), or (c) of this chapter or benchmark equivalent coverage described in § 440.335 of this chapter that has an aggregate actuarial value that is at least actuarially equivalent to benchmark coverage described in § 440.330(a), (b), or (c) of this chapter, or would have been eligible but not enrolled (or placed on a waiting list) for such benefits or coverage through a waiver under the plan that had a capped or limited enrollment that was full.

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