
§ 2553.12 Definitions.

Act. The Domestic Volunteer Service Act of 1973, as amended, Pub. L. 93-113, Oct. 1, 1973, 87 Stat. 396, 42 U.S.C. 4950 et seq.

Adequate staffing level. The number of project staff or full time equivalent needed by a sponsor to manage the National Senior Service Corps (NSSC) project operations considering such factors as: Number of budgeted volunteers, number of volunteer stations, and the size of the service area.

Assignment. The activities, functions or responsibilities to be performed by volunteers identified in a written outline or description.

Assignment description. The written description of the activities, functions or responsibilities to be performed by RSVP volunteers.

Chief Executive Officer. The Chief Executive Officer of CNCS appointed under the National and Community Service Act of 1990, as amended, (NCSA), 42 U.S.C. 12501 et seq.

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