
§ 1610.2 Definitions.

(a) Use of funds means the expenditure of funds by an LSC recipient.

(1) Authorized use of funds means any use of funds within the purpose for which the funds were provided. The following non-exhaustive list provides examples of some of the types of purposes that a grantor, donor, or other might identify.

(i) A grant stating that the funds provided are available to support legal services for victims of domestic violence regardless of income or financial resources are authorized for those purposes;

(ii) A grant stating that the funds provided are available to support any civil legal services to people with household incomes below 200% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines are authorized for those purposes;

(iii) A private donation stating that the funds are for eviction work are authorized for that purpose; or

(iv) A private donation without any instructions from the donor or grantor regarding the use of the funds are available for any purposes.

(2) Unauthorized use of funds means any use of funds that is not an authorized use as defined above.

(b) Derived from means the recipient obtained the funds either directly from the source or as the result of a series of grants and subgrants (or similar arrangements) originating from the source. For example, a state provides public funds to a private, non-LSC-funded statewide legal aid entity. The statewide legal aid entity subgrants some of those public funds to an LSC recipient to provide services in six counties. The subgranted funds remain public funds under this rule because they are derived from public funds.

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