
§ 1321.3 Definitions.

Access to services or access services, as used in this part and sections 306 and 307 of the Act (42 U.S.C. 3026 and 3027), means services which may facilitate connection to or receipt of other direct services, including transportation, outreach, information and assistance, options counseling, and case management services.

Acquiring, as used in the Act, means obtaining ownership of an existing facility.

Act, means the Older Americans Act of 1965, as amended.

Altering or renovating, as used in this part, means making modifications to or in connection with an existing facility which are necessary for its effective use. Such modifications may include alterations, improvements, replacements, rearrangements, installations, renovations, repairs, expansions, upgrades, or additions, which are not in excess of double the square footage of the original facility and all physical improvements.

Area agency on aging, as used in this part, means a single agency designated by the State agency to perform the functions specified in the Act for a planning and service area.

Area plan administration, as used in this part, means funds used to carry out activities as set forth in section 306 of the Act (42 U.S.C. 3026) and other activities to fulfill the mission of the area agency as set forth in § 1321.55, including development of private pay programs or other contracts and commercial relationships.

Best available data, as used in section 305(a)(2)(C) of the Act (42 U.S.C. 3025(a)(2)(C)), with respect to the development of the intrastate funding formula, means the most current reliable data or population estimates available from the U.S. Decennial Census, American Community Survey, or other high-quality, representative data available to the State agency.

Constructing, as used in this part, means building a new facility, including the costs of land acquisition and architectural and engineering fees, or making modifications to or in connection with an existing facility which are in excess of double the square footage of the original facility and all physical improvements.

Conflicts of interest, as used in this part, means:

(1) One or more conflicts between the private interests and the official responsibilities of a person in a position of trust;

(2) One or more conflicts between competing duties of an individual, or between the competing duties, services, or programs of an organization, and/or portion of an organization; and

(3) Other conflicts of interest identified in guidance issued by the Assistant Secretary for Aging and/or by State agency policies.

Cost sharing, as used in section 315(a) of the Act (42 U.S.C. 3030c-2(a)), means requesting payment using a sliding scale, based only on an individual's income and the cost of delivering the service, in a manner consistent with the exceptions, prohibitions, and other conditions laid out in the Act.

Department, means the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

Direct services, as used in this part, means any activity performed to provide services directly to an older person or family caregiver, groups of older persons or family caregivers, or to the general public by the staff or volunteers of a service provider, an area agency on aging, or a State agency whether provided in-person or virtually. Direct services exclude State or area plan administration and program development and coordination activities.

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