
§ 63.1402 Definitions.

(a) The following terms used in this subpart shall have the meaning given them in §§ 63.2, 63.101, 63.111, and 63.161 as specified after each term:

Act (§ 63.2)

Administrator (§ 63.2)

Annual average concentration (§ 63.111)

Annual average flow rate (§ 63.111)

Automated monitoring and recording system (§ 63.111)

Boiler (§ 63.111)

Bottoms receiver (§ 63.161)

By compound (§ 63.111)

By-product (§ 63.101)

Car-seal (§ 63.111)

Closed-vent system (§ 63.111)

Combustion device (§ 63.111)

Commenced (§ 63.2)

Compliance date (§ 63.2)

Connector (§ 63.161)

Construction (§ 63.2)

Continuous monitoring system (§ 63.2)

Distillation unit (§ 63.111)

Duct work (§ 63.161)

Emission standard (§ 63.2)

EPA (§ 63.2)

External floating roof (§ 63.111)

First attempt at repair (§ 63.111)

Flame zone (§ 63.111)

Floating roof (§ 63.111)

Flow indicator (§ 63.111)

Fuel gas (§ 63.101)

Fuel gas system (§ 63.101)

Hard-piping (§ 63.111)

Hazardous air pollutant (§ 63.2)

Impurity (§ 63.101)

In organic hazardous air pollutant service (§ 63.161)

Incinerator (§ 63.111)

Instrumentation system (§ 63.161)

Internal floating roof (§ 63.111)

Lesser quantity (§ 63.2)

Major source (§ 63.2)

Open-ended valve or line (§ 63.161)

Operating permit (§ 63.101)

Organic monitoring device (§ 63.111)

Owner or operator (§ 63.2)

Performance evaluation (§ 63.2)

Performance test (§ 63.2)

Permitting authority (§ 63.2)

Plant site (§ 63.101)

Potential to emit (§ 63.2)

Pressure relief device or valve (§ 63.161)

Primary fuel (§ 63.111)

Process heater (§ 63.111)

Process unit shutdown (§ 63.161)

Process wastewater (§ 63.111)

Reactor (§ 63.111)

Reconstruction (§ 63.2)

Routed to a process or route to a process (§ 63.161)

Run (§ 63.2)

Secondary fuel (§ 63.111)

Sensor (§ 63.161)

Specific gravity monitoring device (§ 63.111)

State (§ 63.2)

Surge control vessel (§ 63.161)

Temperature monitoring device (§ 63.111)

Test method (§ 63.2)

Total resource effectiveness (TRE) index value (§ 63.111)

Treatment process (§ 63.111)

Unit operation (§ 63.101)

Visible emission (§ 63.2)

(b) All other terms used in this subpart shall have the meaning given them in this section. If a term is defined in § 63.2, § 63.101, § 63.111, or § 63.161 or defined in 40 CFR part 63, subparts SS, UU, or WW and in this section, it shall have the meaning given in this section for purposes of this subpart.

Aggregate batch vent stream means a process vent containing emissions from at least one reactor batch process vent and at least one additional reactor or non-reactor batch process vent where the emissions are ducted, hardpiped, or otherwise connected together for a continuous flow.

Amino resin means a thermoset resin produced through the reaction of formaldehyde, or a formaldehyde containing solution (e.g., aqueous formaldehyde), with compound(s) that contain the amino group; these compounds include melamine, urea, and urea derivatives. Formaldehyde substitutes are exclusively aldehydes.

Amino/phenolic resin means one or both of the following:

(1) Amino resin; or

(2) Phenolic resin.

Amino/phenolic resin. Process unit (APPU) means a collection of equipment assembled and connected by hardpiping or ductwork used to process raw materials and to manufacture an amino/phenolic resin as its primary product. This collection of equipment includes unit operations; process vents; storage vessels, as determined in § 63.1400(h); and the equipment that is subject to the equipment leak provisions as specified in § 63.1410. Utilities, lines and equipment not containing process fluids, and other non-process lines, such as heating and cooling systems which do not combine their materials with those in the processes they serve, are not part of the amino/phenolic resin process unit. An amino/phenolic resin process unit consists of more than one unit operation.

Back-end continuous process vent means a continuous process vent for operations related to processing liquid resins into a dry form. Back-end process operations include, but are not limited to, flaking, grinding, blending, mixing, drying, pelletizing, and other finishing operations, as well as latex and crumb storage. Back-end does not include storage and loading of finished product or emission points that are regulated under §§ 63.1404 or 63.1409 through 63.1411 of this subpart.

Batch cycle means the operational step or steps, from start to finish, that occur as part of a batch unit operation.

Batch emission episode means a discrete emission venting episode associated with a single batch unit operation. Multiple batch emission episodes may occur from a single batch unit operation.

Batch mode means the discontinuous bulk movement of material through a unit operation. Mass, temperature, concentration, and other properties may vary with time. For a unit operation operated in a batch mode (i.e., batch unit operation), the addition of material and withdrawal of material do not typically occur simultaneously.

Batch process vent means a process vent from a batch unit operation within an affected source. Batch process vents are either reactor batch process vents or non-reactor batch process vents.

Batch unit operation means a unit operation operated in a batch mode.

Block means the time period that comprises a single batch cycle.

Combustion device burner means a device designed to mix and ignite fuel and air to provide a flame to heat and oxidize waste organic vapors in a combustion device.

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