Defaults, uncollectible loans, liquidations: Responsibilities of the Loan Administrator.

§ 1336.68 Defaults, uncollectible loans, liquidations: Responsibilities of the Loan Administrator.

(a) Prior to making loans from the RLF, the Loan Administrator will develop and obtain the Commissioner's approval for written procedures and definitions pertaining to defaults and collections of payments. (section 803A(b)(4))

(b) The Loan Administrator will provide a copy of such procedures and definitions to each applicant for a loan at the time the application is made. (section 803A(b)(4))

(c) The Loan Administrator will report to the Commissioner whenever a loan recipient is 90 days in arrears in the repayment of principal or interest or has failed to comply with the terms of the loan agreement. After making reasonable efforts to collect amounts payable, as specified in the written procedures, the Loan Administrator shall notify the Commissioner whenever a loan is uncollectible at reasonable cost. The notice shall include recommendations for future action to be taken by the Loan Administrator. (section 803A(c)(1) and (2))

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