Data reporting requirements.

§ 98.466 Data reporting requirements.

In addition to the information required by § 98.3(c), each annual report must contain the following information for each landfill.

(a) Report the following general landfill information:

(1) A classification of the landfill as “open” (actively received waste in the reporting year) or “closed” (no longer receiving waste).

(2) The year in which the landfill first started accepting waste for disposal.

(3) The last year the landfill accepted waste (for open landfills, enter the estimated year of landfill closure).

(4) The capacity (in metric tons) of the landfill.

(5) An indication of whether leachate recirculation is used during the reporting year and its typical frequency of use over the past 10 years (e.g., used several times a year for the past 10 years, used at least once a year for the past 10 years, used occasionally but not every year over the past 10 years, not used).

(b) Report the following waste characterization and modeling information:

(1) The number of waste steams (including “Other Industrial Solid Waste (not otherwise listed)” and “Inerts”) for which Equation TT-1 of this subpart is used to calculate modeled CH4 generation.

(2) A description of each waste stream (including the types of materials in each waste stream) for which Equation TT-1 of this subpart is used to calculate modeled CH4 generation.

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