Criteria for determining conformity of general Federal actions.

§ 93.158 Criteria for determining conformity of general Federal actions.

(a) An action required under § 93.153 to have a conformity determination for a specific pollutant, will be determined to conform to the applicable SIP if, for each pollutant that exceeds the rates in § 93.153(b), or otherwise requires a conformity determination due to the total of direct and indirect emissions from the action, the action meets the requirements of paragraph (c) of this section, and meets any of the following requirements:

(1) For any criteria pollutant or precursor, the total of direct and indirect emissions from the action are specifically identified and accounted for in the applicable SIP's attainment or maintenance demonstration or reasonable further progress milestone or in a facility-wide emission budget included in a SIP in accordance with § 93.161;

(2) For precursors of ozone, nitrogen dioxide, or PM, the total of direct and indirect emissions from the action are fully offset within the same nonattainment or maintenance area (or nearby area of equal or higher classification provided the emissions from that area contribute to the violations, or have contributed to violations in the past, in the area with the Federal action) through a revision to the applicable SIP or a similarly enforceable measure that effects emissions reductions so that there is no net increase in emissions of that pollutant;

(3) For any directly-emitted criteria pollutant, the total of direct and indirect emissions from the action meets the requirements:

(i) Specified in paragraph (b) of this section, based on areawide air quality modeling analysis and local air quality modeling analysis; or

(ii) Meet the requirements of paragraph (a)(5) of this section and, for local air quality modeling analysis, the requirement of paragraph (b) of this section;

(4) For CO or directly emitted PM—

(i) Where the State agency primarily responsible for the applicable SIP determines that an areawide air quality modeling analysis is not needed, the total of direct and indirect emissions from the action meet the requirements specified in paragraph (b) of this section, based on local air quality modeling analysis; or

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