Cotton price support levels

7 U.S. Code § 1444. Cotton price support levels

(a) Basic support levels for 1961 and subsequent years
Notwithstanding the provisions of section 1441 of this title, price support to cooperators for each crop of upland cotton, beginning with the 1961 crop, for which producers have not disapproved marketing quotas shall be at such level not more than 90 per centum of the parity price therefor nor less than the minimum level prescribed below as the Secretary determines appropriate after consideration of the factors specified in section 1421(b) of this title. For the 1961 crop the minimum level shall be 70 per centum of the parity price therefor, and for each subsequent crop the minimum level shall be 65 per centum of the parity price therefor: Provided, That the price support for the 1965 crop shall be a national average support price which reflects 30 cents per pound for Middling one-inch cotton. Price support in the case of noncooperators and in case marketing quotas are disapproved shall be as provided in section 1441(d)(3) and (5) [1] of this title.
(b) Additional support levels for 1964 and 1965
If producers have not disapproved marketing quotas, the Secretary shall provide additional price support on the 1964 and 1965 crops of upland cotton to cooperators on whose farms the acreage planted to upland cotton for harvest does not exceed the farm domestic allotment established under section 1350 of this title. Such additional support shall be at a level up to 15 per centum in excess of the basic level of support established under subsection (a) and shall be provided on the normal yield of the acreage planted for harvest within the farm domestic allotment. For purposes of this subsection, an acreage on the farm which the Secretary finds was not planted to cotton in 1965 because of flood, drought, or other natural disaster shall be deemed by the Secretary to be an actual acreage of cotton planted on the farm for harvest, provided such acreage is not subsequently devoted to any price supported crop for 1965.
(c) Alternative operations for carrying out additional price support; payment-in-kind certificates: value, marketing assistance, redemption, and deductions after thirty day period
In order to keep upland cotton to the maximum extent practicable in the normal channels of trade, any additional price support under subsection (b) of this section may be carried out through the simultaneous purchase of cotton at the support price therefor under subsection (b) and the sale of such cotton at the support price therefor under subsection (a) or similar operations, including loans under which the cotton would be redeemable by payment of the amount for which the cotton would be redeemable if the loan thereon had been made at the support price for such cotton under subsection (a), or payments-in-kind through the issuance of certificates which the Commodity Credit Corporation shall redeem for cotton under regulations issued by the Secretary. If such additional support is provided through the issuance of payment-in-kind certificates, such certificates shall have a value per pound of cotton equal to the difference between the level of support established under subsection (a) and the level of support established under subsection (b). The corporation may, under regulations prescribed by the Secretary, assist the producers and persons receiving payment-in-kind certificates under this section and section 1348 of this title, in the marketing of such certificates at such time and in such manner as the Secretary determines will best effectuate the purposes of the program authorized by this section and such section 1348. In the case of any certificate not presented for redemption within thirty days of the date of its issuance, reasonable costs of storage and other carrying charges as determined by the Secretary for the period beginning thirty days after its issuance and ending with the date of its presentation for redemption shall be deducted from the value of the certificate.
(d) Price support and diversion payments for 1966 through 1970 crops
Notwithstanding any other provision of this Act, if producers have not disapproved marketing quotas, price support and diversion payments shall be made available for the 1966 through 1970 crops of upland cotton as provided in this subsection.
Price support for each such crop of upland cotton shall be made available to cooperators through loans at such level, not exceeding a level which will reflect for Middling one-inch upland cotton at average location in the United States 90 per centum of the estimated average world market price for Middling one-inch upland cotton for the marketing year for such crop, as the Secretary determines will provide orderly marketing of cotton during the harvest season and will retain an adequate share of the world market for cotton produced in the United States taking into consideration the factors specified in section 1421(b) of this title: Provided, That the national average loan rate for the 1966 crop shall reflect 21 cents per pound for Middling one-inch upland cotton.
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