Cost of approved nursing and allied health education activities.

§ 413.85 Cost of approved nursing and allied health education activities.

(a) Statutory basis. This section implements section 1861(v)(1)(A) of the Act and section 4004(b) of the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1990 (Public Law 101-508) by establishing the methodology for Medicare payment of the costs of approved nursing and allied health education activities.

(b) Scope. (1) This section sets forth the rules for determining Medicare payments to hospitals for the costs of nursing and allied health education activities.

(2) This section does not address Medicare payments for the direct and indirect costs of graduate medical education (that is, approved residency programs in medicine, osteopathy, dentistry, and podiatry). Medicare payment for these costs is determined as provided in § 412.105 of this subchapter and §§ 413.75 through 413.83.

(3) The rules under this section do not apply to activities that are specified in paragraph (h) of this section and identified as normal operating costs.

(c) Definitions. For purposes of this section, the following definitions apply:

Approved educational activities means formally organized or planned programs of study of the type that:

(1) Are operated by providers as specified in paragraph (f) of this section;

(2) Enhance the quality of health care at the provider; and

(3) Meet the requirements of paragraph (e) of this section for State licensure or accreditation.

Classroom instruction costs are those costs associated with formal, didactic instruction on a specific topic or subject in a class that meets at regular, scheduled intervals over a specific time period (for example, semester or quarter), and for which a student receives a grade.

Clinical training costs means costs of training for the acquisition and use of the skills of a nursing or allied health profession or trade in the actual environment in which these skills will be used by the student upon graduation. Clinical training may involve occasional or periodic meetings to discuss or analyze cases, critique performance, or discuss specific skills or techniques; it involves no classroom instruction.

Community support means funding that is provided by the community and generally includes all non-Medicare sources of funding (other than payments made for furnishing services to individual patients), including State and local government appropriations. Community support does not include grants, gifts, and endowments of the kind that are not to be offset in accordance with section 1134 of the Act.

Redistribution of costs means an attempt by a provider to increase the amount, or to expand the types, of the costs of educational activities that are allowed for Medicare payment purposes by claiming costs that previously were not claimed by the provider and were considered costs of an educational institution. For example, costs for a school of nursing or allied health education or a medical school that were incurred by an educational institution and were not allowable to the provider in its prospective payment or rate-of-increase limit base year cost report, or graduate medical education per resident amount calculated under §§ 413.75 through 413.83, are not allowable costs in subsequent fiscal years.

(d) General payment rules. (1) Payment for a provider's net cost of nursing and allied health education activities is determined on a reasonable cost basis, subject to the following conditions and limitations:

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