Cost accounting standards and disclosure statement.

§ 200.419 Cost accounting standards and disclosure statement.

(a) An IHE that receive an aggregate total $50 million or more in Federal awards and instruments subject to this subpart (as specified in § 200.101) in its most recently completed fiscal year must comply with the Cost Accounting Standards Board's cost accounting standards located at 48 CFR 9905.501, 9905.502, 9905.505, and 9905.506. CAS-covered contracts and subcontracts awarded to the IHEs are subject to the broader range of CAS requirements at 48 CFR 9900 through 9999 and 48 CFR part 30 (FAR Part 30).

(b) Disclosure statement. An IHE that receives an aggregate total $50 million or more in Federal awards and instruments subject to this subpart (as specified in § 200.101) during its most recently completed fiscal year must disclose their cost accounting practices by filing a Disclosure Statement (DS-2), which is reproduced in Appendix III to Part 200. With the approval of the cognizant agency for indirect costs, an IHE may meet the DS-2 submission by submitting the DS-2 for each business unit that received $50 million or more in Federal awards and instruments.

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