Control strategy: Sulfur oxides and particulate matter.

§ 52.1781 Control strategy: Sulfur oxides and particulate matter.

(a) The plan's control strategy for particulate matter as outlined in the three-year variance for the coal-fired units of Duke Power Company and Carolina Power & Light Company from the particulate emission limits of Regulation 15 N.C.A.C. 2D.0503, with submittals on June 18, September 7, October 31, and December 14, 1979, by the North Carolina Department of Natural Resources and Community Development, is disapproved only insofar that it provides an exemption for excess emissions during periods of startup, shutdown, and verified malfunction. (See § 52.1770(c)(22).)

(b) The plan's control strategy for particulate matter as contained in regulation 15 NCAC 2D.0536, which was submitted on January 24 and February 21, 1983, and on December 17, 1985, and became effective on August 1, 1987, is disapproved insofar as it provides annual opacity limits for the seven plants of Duke Power Company and for Plants Roxboro and Cape Fear of Carolina Power and Light Company.

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