Control strategy: Ozone.

§ 52.726 Control strategy: Ozone.

(a) Part D—Conditional Approval—The Illinois plan is approved provided that the following conditions are satisfied:

(1) [Reserved]

(2) The State conducts a study to demonstrate that the 75 percent overall control efficiency requirement in Rule 205(n) represents RACT, submits the results of the study to USEPA, and submits any necessary regulations representing RACT to the Illinois Pollution Control Board. The State must comply with these conditions by February 28, 1981. Any necessary regulations must be finally promulgated by the State and submitted to USEPA by February 28, 1982.

(3) Extension of Condition—USEPA approves the date of July 31, 1984 for the State of Illinois to satisfy the condition of approval to the ozone State Implementation Plan listed in paragraph (a)(2) of this section.

(b) Disapproval—USEPA disapproves the compliance schedule in Rule 205(j) as it applies to loading rack controls for all emission sources subject to Rule 205(b)(1), as approved by USEPA on May 31, 1972 which were required to be in compliance by December 31, 1973. This disapproval does not in and of itself result in the growth restrictions of section 110(a)(2)(I).

(c) Negative Declarations—Stationary Source Categories. The State of Illinois has certified to the satisfaction of USEPA that no sources are located in the nonattainment areas of the State which are covered by the following Control Technique Guidelines:

(1) High density polyethylene and polypropylene manufacturers.

(2) Vegetable oil processing sources with volatile organic compound emissions equal to or greater than 100 tons per year.

(d) Part D Disapproval—The Administrator finds that Illinois' ozone plan for Cook, Lake, DuPage and Kane Counties, which was required to be submitted by July 1, 1982, does not satisfy all the requirements of Part D, Title I of the Clean Air Act and, thus, is disapproved. No major new stationary source, of major modification of a stationary source, or volatile organic compounds may be constructed in Cook, Lake, DuPage or Kane Counties, unless the construction permit application is complete on or before November 16, 1988. This disapproval does not affect USEPA's approval (or conditional approval) of individual parts of Illinois' ozone plan, and they remain approved.

(e) Disapproval—The Administrator finds that the following State rules have not been demonstrated to be consistent with the reasonably available control technology requirements of section 172 of the Clean Air Act, as amended in 1977, and thus, are disapproved: subpart F, section 215.204(c); subpart F, section 215.206(b); subpart F, section 215.204(j)(4); subpart I; subpart AA; subpart PP; subpart QQ; subpart RR; subpart A, section 215.102; subpart T; subpart H, section 215.245; subpart F, section 215.207; and subpart A, section 215.107, all of title 35; Environmental Protection; subtitle B: Air Pollution; Chapter 1: Pollution Control Board of the Illinois Administrative Code (June 1989).

(f) On September 30, 1992, the State submitted rules regulating volatile organic compound emissions from gasoline dispensing facilities' motor vehicle fuel operations (Stage II vapor recovery rules) in the Chicago ozone nonattainment area. The Illinois Environmental Protection Agency Bureau of Air must as part of the program conduct inspections of facilities subject to this rule to ensure compliance with the applicable rules. These inspections will be conducted on an annual basis or an alternative schedule as approved in the USEPA Fiscal Year Inspection Program Plan.

(g) Approval—The Administrator approves the incorporation of the photochemical assessment ambient monitoring system submitted by Illinois on November 4, 1993, into the Illinois State Implementation Plan. This submittal satisfies 40 CFR 58.20(f) which requires the State to provide for the establishment and maintenance of photochemical assessment monitoring stations (PAMS) by November 12, 1993.

(h) Approval—On November 12, 1993, the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency submitted an ozone redesignation request and maintenance plan for Jersey County ozone nonattainment area and requested that Jersey County be redesignated to attainment for ozone. The redesignation request and maintenance plan meet the redesignation requirements in section 107(d)(3)(d) of the Act. The redesignation meets the Federal requirements of section 182(a)(1) of the Clean Air Act as a revision to the Illinois ozone State Implementation Plan for Jersey County.

(i) The base year (1990) ozone emission inventory requirement of section 182(a)(1) of the Clean Air Act, as amended in 1990, has been satisfied for the following Illinois ozone nonattainment areas: the Chicago nonattainment area—Cook, DuPage, Kane, Lake, Will and McHenry Counties, Aux Sable and Gooselake Townships in Grundy County, and Oswego Township in Kendall County; the Metro-East St. Louis nonattainment area—Madison, Monroe, and St. Clair Counties; and Jersey County.

(j) Approval—On July 14, 1994, Illinois submitted two of three elements required by section 182(d)(1)(A) of the Clean Air Amendments of 1990 to be incorporated as part of the vehicle miles traveled (VMT) State Implementation Plan intended to offset any growth in emissions from a growth in vehicle miles traveled. These elements are the offsetting of growth in emissions attributable to growth in VMT which was due November 15, 1992, and, transportation control measures (TCMs) required as part of Illinois' 15 percent reasonable further progress (RFP) plan which was due November 15, 1993. Illinois satisfied the first requirement by projecting emissions from mobile sources and demonstrating that no increase in emissions would take place. Illinois satisfied the second requirement by submitting the TCMs listed in Table 1 which are now approved into the Illinois SIP.

Table 1

Project type Location description Completion status SIP credit VOC tpd
RS/SIG MODMadison Street (Western Ave. to Halsted Street)Done0.015400
SIG COORDWillow Road (Landwer Road to Shermer)Awarded0.052000
SIG COORDRand Road (Baldwin Road to Kennicott)Awarded0.052000
SIG COORDNorthwest Hwy (Potter Road to Cumberland Avenue)Awarded0.030000
SIGS/SIG COORD159th Street (US 45 to 76th Ave & at 91st Avenue)Awarded0.030000
SIG COORDHarlem Ave. (71st St. to 92nd)Awarded0.052000
SIG COORDHarlem Ave. (99th Street to 135th St.)Awarded0.052000
RECONST/SIGS/LTSArcher Ave. (88th Ave to 65th St.)Awarded0.030000
SIG COORDOgden Ave. (N. Aurora Road to Naper Boulevard)Awarded0.030000
SIG COORDNorth Ave. (Tyler to Kautz)Awarded0.030000
SIG COORDHiggens Road (Il 72 at Il 31)Awarded0.030000
SIG COORDSheridan Road (Il 173 to Wadsworth)Awarded0.030000
SIG COORDLagrange Road (Belmont to Lake St.)Awarded0.030000
SIG COORDDundee Road (Sanders Road to Skokie Valley Road)Awarded0.052000
SIG COORDDundee Road (Buffalo Grove Road to Il 21)Awarded0.030000
INT IMP/SIG COORDGolf Road (E. River Road to Washington Ave.)Awarded0.052000
SIG COORDGolf Road (Barrington to Roselle Road)Awarded0.030000
SIG COORDHiggins Road (Barrington to Roselle Road)Awarded0.030000
SIG COORDJoe Orr Road (Vincennes Ave. to Il 1)Awarded0.030000
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