Content of State plan.

§ 1321.27 Content of State plan.

To receive a grant under this part, a State agency shall have an approved State plan as prescribed in section 307 of the Act (42 U.S.C. 3027). In addition to meeting the requirements of section 307, a State plan shall include:

(a) Identification of the sole State agency that the State has designated to develop and administer the plan.

(b) Statewide program objectives to implement the requirements under Title III and Title VII of the Act and any objectives established by the Assistant Secretary for Aging.

(c) Evidence that the State plan is informed by and based on area plans, except for single planning and service area States.

(d) A description of how greatest economic need and greatest social need are determined and addressed by specifying:

(1) How the State agency defines greatest economic need and greatest social need, which shall include the populations as set forth in the § 1321.3 definitions of greatest economic need and greatest social need; and

(2) The methods the State agency will use to target services to the populations identified in paragraph (d)(1) of this section, including how funds under the Act may be distributed to serve prioritized populations in accordance with requirements as set forth in § 1321.49 or § 1321.51, as appropriate.

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