
§ 93.105 Consultation.

(a) General. The implementation plan revision required under § 51.390 of this chapter shall include procedures for interagency consultation (Federal, State, and local), resolution of conflicts, and public consultation as described in paragraphs (a) through (e) of this section. Public consultation procedures will be developed in accordance with the requirements for public involvement in 23 CFR part 450.

(1) The implementation plan revision shall include procedures to be undertaken by MPOs, State departments of transportation, and DOT with State and local air quality agencies and EPA before making conformity determinations, and by State and local air agencies and EPA with MPOs, State departments of transportation, and DOT in developing applicable implementation plans.

(2) Before EPA approves the conformity implementation plan revision required by § 51.390 of this chapter, MPOs and State departments of transportation must provide reasonable opportunity for consultation with State air agencies, local air quality and transportation agencies, DOT, and EPA, including consultation on the issues described in paragraph (c)(1) of this section, before making conformity determinations.

(b) Interagency consultation procedures: General factors. (1) States shall provide well-defined consultation procedures in the implementation plan whereby representatives of the MPOs, State and local air quality planning agencies, State and local transportation agencies, and other organizations with responsibilities for developing, submitting, or implementing provisions of an implementation plan required by the CAA must consult with each other and with local or regional offices of EPA, FHWA, and FTA on the development of the implementation plan, the transportation plan, the TIP, and associated conformity determinations.

(2) Interagency consultation procedures shall include at a minimum the following general factors and the specific processes in paragraph (c) of this section:

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