Conduct of investigations of places of employment.

§ 85a.5 Conduct of investigations of places of employment.


(1) Prior to beginning a site visit, NIOSH authorized representatives will present their credentials to the employer, owner, operator or agent in charge at the place of employment, explain the nature, purpose and scope of the investigation and the records specified in § 85a.3 which they wish to review, abstract or duplicate.

(2) In those instances where site visits are not necessary to the conduct of an investigation and the initial contact is made verbally, NIOSH authorized representatives will, at the request of the employer, owner, operator or agent in charge at the place of employment, provide a written explanation of the nature, purpose and scope of the investigation and the records specified in § 85a.3 which they wish to review, abstract or duplicate.


(1) At the commencement of an investigation, the employer, owner, operator or agent in charge at the place of employment shall precisely identify that information which is trade secret and might be seen or obtained by the NIOSH authorized representatives during the investigation. If the NIOSH authorized representatives have no clear reason to question such identification, such information will not be disclosed by NIOSH in accordance with the provisions of section 15 of the OSH Act. Generally, NIOSH will not question trade secret designations; however, if NIOSH at any time does question such identification, not less than 15 days' notice to the employer, owner, operator or agent will be given of the intention to remove the trade secret designation from such information. The employer, owner, operator or agent may within that period submit a request to the Director, NIOSH, to reconsider this intention and may provide additional information in support of the trade secret designation. The Director, NIOSH, will notify the employer, owner, operator or agent in writing of the decision which will become effective no sooner than 15 days after the date of such notice.

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