Condition of participation: Physical environment.

§ 483.470 Condition of participation: Physical environment.

(a) Standard: Client living environment. (1) The facility must not house clients of grossly different ages, developmental levels, and social needs in close physical or social proximity unless the housing is planned to promote the growth and development of all those housed together.

(2) The facility must not segregate clients solely on the basis of their physical disabilities. It must integrate clients who have ambulation deficits or who are deaf, blind, or have seizure disorders, etc., with others of comparable social and intellectual development.

(b) Standard: Client bedrooms. (1) Bedrooms must—

(i) Be rooms that have at least one outside wall;

(ii) Be equipped with or located near toilet and bathing facilities;

(iii) Accommodate no more than four clients unless granted a variance under paragraph (b)(3) of this section;

(iv) Measure at least 60 square feet per client in multiple client bedrooms and at least 80 square feet in single client bedrooms; and

(v) In all facilities initially certified, or in buildings constructed or with major renovations or conversions on or after October 3, 1988, have walls that extend from floor to ceiling.

(2) If a bedroom is below grade level, it must have a window that—

(i) Is usable as a second means of escape by the client(s) occupying the room; and

(ii) Is no more than 44 inches (measured to the window sill) above the floor unless the facility is surveyed under the Health Care Occupancy Chapter of the Life Safety Code, in which case the window must be no more than 36 inches (measured to the window sill) above the floor.

(3) The survey agency may grant a variance from the limit of four clients per room only if a physician who is a member of the interdisciplinary team and who is a qualified intellectual disability professional—

(i) Certifies that each client to be placed in a bedroom housing more than four persons is so severely medically impaired as to require direct and continuous monitoring during sleeping hours; and

(ii) Documents the reasons why housing in a room of only four or fewer persons would not be medically feasible.

(4) The facility must provide each client with—

(i) A separate bed of proper size and height for the convenience of the client;

(ii) A clean, comfortable, mattress;

(iii) Bedding appropriate to the weather and climate; and

(iv) Functional furniture appropriate to the client's needs, and individual closet space in the client's bedroom with clothes racks and shelves accessible to the client.

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