Condition of participation: Patient and living donor management.

§ 482.94 Condition of participation: Patient and living donor management.

Transplant programs must have written patient management policies for the transplant and discharge phases of transplantation. If a transplant program performs living donor transplants, the program also must have written donor management policies for the donor evaluation, donation, and discharge phases of living organ donation.

(a) Standard: Patient and living donor care. The transplant program's patient and donor management policies must ensure that:

(1) Each transplant patient is under the care of a multidisciplinary patient care team coordinated by a physician throughout the transplant and discharge phases of transplantation; and

(2) If a program performs living donor transplants, each living donor is under the care of a multidisciplinary patient care team coordinated by a physician throughout the donor evaluation, donation, and discharge phases of donation.

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