Condition of participation: Client rights.

§ 485.910 Condition of participation: Client rights.

The client has the right to be informed of his or her rights. The CMHC must protect and promote the exercise of these client rights.

(a) Standard: Notice of rights and responsibilities. (1) During the initial evaluation, the CMHC must provide the client, the client's representative (if appropriate) or surrogate with verbal and written notice of the client's rights and responsibilities. The verbal notice must be in a language and manner that the client or client's representative or surrogate understands. Written notice must be understandable to persons who have limited English proficiency.

(2) During the initial evaluation, the CMHC must inform and distribute written information to the client concerning its policies on filing a grievance.

(3) The CMHC must obtain the client's and/or the client representative's signature confirming that he or she has received a copy of the notice of rights and responsibilities.

(b) Standard: Exercise of rights and respect for property and person. (1) The client has the right to—

(i) Exercise his or her rights as a client of the CMHC.

(ii) Have his or her property and person treated with respect.

(iii) Voice grievances and understand the CMHC grievance process; including but not limited to grievances regarding mistreatment and treatment or care that is (or fails to be) furnished.

(iv) Not be subjected to discrimination or reprisal for exercising his or her rights.

(2) If a client has been adjudged incompetent under State law by a court of proper jurisdiction, the rights of the client are exercised by the person appointed in accordance with State law to act on the client's behalf.

(3) If a State court has not adjudged a client incompetent, any legal representative designated by the client in accordance with State law may exercise the client's rights to the extent allowed under State law.

(c) Standard: Rights of the client. The client has a right to—

(1) Be involved in developing his or her active treatment plan.

(2) Refuse care or treatment.

(3) Have a confidential clinical record. Access to or release of client information and the clinical record client information is permitted only in accordance with 45 CFR parts 160 and 164.

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