Compliance-Themed Educational Games for Compliance Week

For Compliance and Ethics Week (Nov. 5-11), Luminis Health (LH) in Maryland developed a compliance-themed word scramble and word search, said Chief Compliance Officer Catherine Martin. Luminis also held games and opportunities to be entered into drawings for its “LH Corporate Compliance Be a Good Human” water bottles. There were other activities, including rounding, setting up tables and distributing candy, pens, flashlights (“shining a light on compliance”) and mouse pads. “We use the week to connect with the staff and provide education about what we do and how to reach us if they have concerns,” Martin said. “Our focus has been on building a partnership throughout the organization rather than having compliance viewed negatively or having people afraid or concerned about coming to compliance. Our leadership is very supportive of compliance and sends the message that compliance and ethical behavior are a key component of the LH culture.” The compliance team is also using the week to complete its annual compliance survey. Contact Martin at

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