Compliance schedules.

§ 52.1677 Compliance schedules.

(a) The requirements of § 51.261 of this chapter are not met since the compliance schedule for Part 220 of Subchapter A, Chapter III, Title 6 of New York State's Official Compilation of Codes, Rules and Regulations, does not provide for attainment and maintenance of the national standards for particulate matter by the dates required by the Act.

(b) The requirements of § 51.262(a) of this chapter are not met since sections 223.1(a), 225.3(c), and 230.2(d) of Subchapter A, Chapter III, Title 6 of New York State's Official Compilation of Codes, Rules and Regulations do not require the reporting of periodic increments of progress toward compliance by affected sources or categories of sources.

(c) The requirements of § 51.262(a) of this chapter are not met since compliance schedules with adequate increments of progress have not been submitted for every source for which they are required.

(d) Federal compliance schedules. (1) The owner or operator of any boiler or furnace of more than 250 million Btu per hour heat input subject to the requirements of section 225.3(c) of Subchapter A, Chapter III, Title 6 of New York State's official compilation of codes, rules, and regulations shall notify the Administrator, no later than October 1, 1973, of his intent to utilize either low-sulfur fuel or stack gas desulfurization to meet the requirements of said regulation.

(2) Any owner or operator of a stationary source subject to paragraph (d)(1) of this section who elects low-sulfur fuel shall be subject to the following compliance schedule:

(i) November 1, 1973—Submit to the Administrator a projection of the amount of fuel, by types, that will be substantially adequate to enable compliance with section 225.3(c) of the codes, rules, and regulations cited in paragraph (d)(1) of this section on June 30, 1975, and October 1, 1975, respectively, and for at least one year thereafter.

(ii) December 31, 1973—Sign contracts with fuel suppliers for fuel requirements as projected above.

(iii) January 31, 1974—Submit a statement as to whether boiler modifications will be required. If modifications will be required, submit plans for such modifications.

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