Compliance dates and maintenance requirements.

§ 63.1160 Compliance dates and maintenance requirements.

(a) Compliance dates. (1) The owner or operator of an affected existing steel pickling facility and/or hydrochloric acid regeneration plant subject to this subpart shall achieve initial compliance with the requirements of this subpart no later than June 22, 2001.

(2) The owner or operator of a new or reconstructed steel pickling facility and/or hydrochloric acid regeneration plant subject to this subpart that commences construction or reconstruction after September 18, 1997, shall achieve compliance with the requirements of this subpart immediately upon startup of operations or by June 22, 1999, whichever is later.

(b) Maintenance requirements. (1) The owner or operator shall prepare an operation and maintenance plan for each emission control device to be implemented no later than the compliance date. The plan shall be incorporated by reference into the source's title V permit. All such plans must be consistent with good maintenance practices, and, for a scrubber emission control device, must at a minimum:

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