Community Connect Grant Program

7 U.S. Code § 950bb-3. Community Connect Grant Program

(a) DefinitionsIn this section:
(1) Eligible broadband service
The term “eligible broadband service” means broadband service that has the capability to transmit data at a speed specified by the Secretary, which may not be less than the applicable minimum download and upload speeds established by the Federal Communications Commission in defining the term “advanced telecommunications capability” for purposes of section 1302 of title 47.
(2) Eligible service areaThe term “eligible service area” means an area in which broadband service capacity is less than—
a 10-Mbps downstream transmission capacity; and
a 1-Mbps upstream transmission capacity.
(3) Eligible entity
(A) In generalThe term “eligible entity” means a legally organized entity that—
(i) is—
an incorporated organization;
an Indian Tribe or Tribal organization;
a State;
a unit of local government; or
any other legal entity, including a cooperative, a private corporation, or a limited liability company, that is organized on a for-profit or a not-for-profit basis; and
has the legal capacity and authority to enter into a contract, to comply with applicable Federal laws, and to own and operate broadband facilities, as proposed in the application submitted by the entity for a grant under the Program.
(B) ExclusionsThe term “eligible entity” does not include—
an individual; or
a partnership.
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