Commodity Credit Corporation sales price restrictions

7 U.S. Code § 1427. Commodity Credit Corporation sales price restrictions

(a) In general
The Commodity Credit Corporation may sell any farm commodity owned or controlled by the Corporation at any price not prohibited by this section.
(b) Inventories
In determining sales policies for basic agricultural commodities or storable nonbasic commodities, the Corporation should consider the establishment of such policies with respect to prices, terms, and conditions as the Corporation determines will not discourage or deter manufacturers, processors, and dealers from acquiring and carrying normal inventories of the commodity of the current crop.
(c) Sales price restrictions
(1) In generalExcept as otherwise provided in this section, the Corporation shall not sell any basic agricultural commodity or storable nonbasic commodity at less than 115 percent of the lower of—
the current national average price support loan rate for the commodity adjusted for the current market differentials reflecting grade, quality, location, reasonable carrying charges, and other factors determined appropriate by the Corporation; or
the loan repayment level.
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