Commercial stationers may qualify as exempt 13(a)(2) establishments.

§ 779.367 Commercial stationers may qualify as exempt 13(a)(2) establishments.

(a) A commercial stationer's establishment may qualify as an exempt retail or service establishment under section 13(a)(2) of the Act if it meets all the requirements of that exemption. Where the establishment meets these requirements all employees employed by the establishment will be exempt, except any employees who are engaged in the making or processing of goods, such as printing and engraving. The commercial stationer ordinarily has a store on the street level located in the shopping section of the community where other stores are located and many people pass by. He has store clerks who sell over the counter to the consuming public and may have outside salesmen who sell to offices. He makes very few, if any, sales to other dealers for resale. He keeps in stock and displays the various items sold over the counter and by outside salesmen. The number of items in stock typically ranges from 5,000 to 15,000. Primarily, items sold are stationery, pens, pencils, blotters, briefcases, calendars, clocks, greeting cards, thumbtacks, typewriter ribbons, carbon paper, paper clips, ink, commercial envelopes and typewriter paper, filing supplies and similar items. In addition he may also sell filing cabinets, office desks and chairs, other items of office furniture and supplies and equipment generally, as well as standard and portable typewriters and certain other small office machines.

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