Combating the opioid crisis through a compliance lens

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It was in the late-1990s when the opioid crisis was first mentioned in the United States as a challenge facing the healthcare system. Since then, our industry has faced multiple waves of the same crisis, when the main driver of the crisis shifted from natural opioids to semi- and now synthetic opioids.

Over two decades later, we are still facing the same dilemma but in a larger magnitude. Multiple federal agencies have been tasked to join forces and combat the epidemic from multiple angles. States have adopted new laws and regulations to limit access and provide treatment for patients with opioid addiction.

Compliance professionals have not been spared, and each has taken part in many ways in this matter, from partnering in drug diversion programs to implementing organizational policies and procedures. Many steps taken are retrospective reviews, yet the most impact would obviously come from proactive steps practically available to compliance professionals.

This article aims to provide some practical tools for compliance professionals in the healthcare industry, enabling them to effectively partner with other departments in this fight against the opioid epidemic in the US.

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