Coal mine operator plan for medical examinations.

§ 37.100 Coal mine operator plan for medical examinations.

(a) Each coal mine operator must submit and receive NIOSH approval of a plan for the provision of chest radiographs, occupational histories, spirometry tests, and respiratory assessments of miners, using the appropriate forms provided by NIOSH.

(1) During the transition from August 1, 2014 until the time when spirometry facilities are approved by NIOSH, any person becoming a coal mine operator on or after August 1, 2014, or any coal mine operator without an approved plan as of that date must submit a plan within 60 days that provides for chest radiographs and occupational histories only.

(2) Coal mine operators with previously approved plans for only chest radiographs and occupational histories, or with plans developed pursuant to paragraph (a)(1) of this section, will be notified by MSHA when the plans must be amended to include spirometry testing and respiratory assessments. Amendments must be submitted to NIOSH within 60 days of MSHA's notification.

(b) The coal mine operator's plan must include:

(1) The name, address, and telephone number of the operator(s) submitting the plan;

(2) The name, MSHA identification number for respirable dust measurements, and address of the mine included in the plan;

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