Closure plan; amendment of plan.

§ 264.112 Closure plan; amendment of plan.

(a) Written plan. (1) The owner or operator of a hazardous waste management facility must have a written closure plan. In addition, certain surface impoundments and waste piles from which the owner or operator intends to remove or decontaminate the hazardous waste at partial or final closure are required by §§ 264.228(c)(1)(i) and 264.258(c)(1)(i) to have contingent closure plans. The plan must be submitted with the permit application, in accordance with § 270.14(b)(13) of this chapter, and approved by the Regional Administrator as part of the permit issuance procedures under part 124 of this chapter. In accordance with § 270.32 of this chapter, the approved closure plan will become a condition of any RCRA permit.

(2) The Director's approval of the plan must ensure that the approved closure plan is consistent with §§ 264.111 through 264.115 and the applicable requirements of subpart F of this part, §§ 264.178, 264.197, 264.228, 264.258, 264.280, 264.310, 264.351, 264.601, and 264.1102. Until final closure is completed and certified in accordance with § 264.115, a copy of the approved plan and all approved revisions must be furnished to the Director upon request, including requests by mail.

(b) Content of plan. The plan must identify steps necessary to perform partial and/or final closure of the facility at any point during its active life. The closure plan must include, at least:

(1) A description of how each hazardous waste management unit at the facility will be closed in accordance with § 264.111;

(2) A description of how final closure of the facility will be conducted in accordance with § 264.111. The description must identify the maximum extent of the operations which will be unclosed during the active life of the facility; and

(3) An estimate of the maximum inventory of hazardous wastes ever on-site over the active life of the facility and a detailed description of the methods to be used during partial closures and final closure, including, but not limited to, methods for removing, transporting, treating, storing, or disposing of all hazardous wastes, and identification of the type(s) of the off-site hazardous waste management units to be used, if applicable; and

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