Closure or retrofit of CCR units.

§ 257.101 Closure or retrofit of CCR units.

(a) The owner or operator of an existing unlined CCR surface impoundment, as determined under § 257.71(a), is subject to the requirements of paragraph (a)(1) of this section.

(1) Except as provided by paragraph (a)(3) of this section, as soon as technically feasible, but not later than April 11, 2021, an owner or operator of an existing unlined CCR surface impoundment must cease placing CCR and non-CCR wastestreams into such CCR surface impoundment and either retrofit or close the CCR unit in accordance with the requirements of § 257.102.

(2) An owner or operator of an existing unlined CCR surface impoundment that closes in accordance with paragraph (a)(1) of this section must include a statement in the notification required under § 257.102(g) or (k)(5) that the CCR surface impoundment is closing or retrofitting under the requirements of paragraph (a)(1) of this section.

(3) The timeframe specified in paragraph (a)(1) of this section does not apply if the owner or operator complies with the alternate liner demonstration provisions specified in § 257.71(d) or the alternative closure procedures specified in § 257.103.

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