Closure and post-closure.

§ 265.280 Closure and post-closure.

(a) In the closure plan under § 265.112 and the post-closure plan under § 265.118, the owner or operator must address the following objectives and indicate how they will be achieved:

(1) Control of the migration of hazardous waste and hazardous waste constituents from the treated area into the ground water;

(2) Control of the release of contaminated run-off from the facility into surface water;

(3) Control of the release of airborne particulate contaminants caused by wind erosion; and

(4) Compliance with § 265.276 concerning the growth of food-chain crops.

(b) The owner or operator must consider at least the following factors in addressing the closure and post-closure care objectives of paragraph (a) of this section:

(1) Type and amount of hazardous waste and hazardous waste constituents applied to the land treatment facility;

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