Class VI injection depth waiver requirements.

§ 146.95 Class VI injection depth waiver requirements.

This section sets forth information which an owner or operator seeking a waiver of the Class VI injection depth requirements must submit to the Director; information the Director must consider in consultation with all affected Public Water System Supervision Directors; the procedure for Director—Regional Administrator communication and waiver issuance; and the additional requirements that apply to owners or operators of Class VI wells granted a waiver of the injection depth requirements.

(a) In seeking a waiver of the requirement to inject below the lowermost USDW, the owner or operator must submit a supplemental report concurrent with permit application. The supplemental report must include the following,

(1) A demonstration that the injection zone(s) is/are laterally continuous, is not a USDW, and is not hydraulically connected to USDWs; does not outcrop; has adequate injectivity, volume, and sufficient porosity to safely contain the injected carbon dioxide and formation fluids; and has appropriate geochemistry.

(2) A demonstration that the injection zone(s) is/are bounded by laterally continuous, impermeable confining units above and below the injection zone(s) adequate to prevent fluid movement and pressure buildup outside of the injection zone(s); and that the confining unit(s) is/are free of transmissive faults and fractures. The report shall further characterize the regional fracture properties and contain a demonstration that such fractures will not interfere with injection, serve as conduits, or endanger USDWs.

(3) A demonstration, using computational modeling, that USDWs above and below the injection zone will not be endangered as a result of fluid movement. This modeling should be conducted in conjunction with the area of review determination, as described in § 146.84, and is subject to requirements, as described in § 146.84(c), and periodic reevaluation, as described in § 146.84(e).

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