Chapter 8. Investigations, Addressing Noncompliance, and Remediation

Chapter 8. Investigations, Addressing Noncompliance, and Remediation

If there is reason to believe that misconduct or wrongdoing has occurred, the organization must respond appropriately and promptly. Failure to respond or lengthy delays in responding can have serious consequences (such as civil and/or criminal penalties, corporate integrity agreements, and exclusion). Violations of the organization’s code of conduct, policies, rules, laws, or other types of misconduct threaten an organization’s status as reliable, credible, honest, and trustworthy. Detected but uncorrected misconduct can seriously endanger the mission, reputation, and legal status of an organization. Ignoring a legitimate report of wrongdoing will also alienate staff—especially the person who reported the problem—and could encourage qui tam action. Cover-ups usually cause more problems than they solve. In the event of misconduct, it’s important to face the problem. Work with legal to make the decision about whether to disclose and fix it. No matter how daunting it may feel to face possible misconduct, remember that one of the goals of a compliance program is detection. Having found a problem is an indication that your program is working.

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