Ceiling on the rate of increase in hospital inpatient costs.

§ 413.40 Ceiling on the rate of increase in hospital inpatient costs.

(a) Introduction—(1) Scope. This section implements section 1886(b) of the Act, establishing a ceiling on the rate of increase in operating costs per case for hospital inpatient services furnished to Medicare beneficiaries that will be recognized as reasonable for purposes of determining the amount of Medicare payment. This rate-of-increase ceiling applies to hospital cost reporting periods beginning on or after October 1, 1982. This section also sets forth rules governing exemptions from and adjustments to the ceiling.

(2) Applicability. (i) This section is not applicable to—

(A) Hospitals reimbursed in accordance with section 1814(b)(3) of the Act or under State reimbursement control systems that have been approved under section 1886(c) of the Act and subpart C of part 403 of this chapter; or

(B) Hospitals that are paid under the prospective payment systems for inpatient hospital services in accordance with section 1886 (d) and (g) of the Act and part 412 of this chapter.

(C) Psychiatric hospitals and psychiatric units that are paid under the prospective payment system for inpatient psychiatric facilities described in subpart N of part 412 of this chapter for cost reporting periods beginning on or after January 1, 2005.

(D) Rehabilitation hospitals and rehabilitation units that are paid under the prospective payment system for inpatient hospital services in accordance with section 1886(j) of the Act and subpart P of part 412 of this subchapter for cost reporting periods beginning on or after January 1, 2002.

(E) Long-term care hospitals, as defined in section 1886(d)(1)(B)(iv) of the Act, that are paid based on 100 percent of the Federal prospective payment rate for inpatient hospital services in accordance with section 123 of Public Law 106-113 and section 307 of Public Law 106-554 and § 412.533(b) and (c) of subpart O of part 412 of this subchapter for cost reporting periods beginning on or after October 1, 2002.

(ii) For cost reporting periods beginning on or after October 1, 1983, this section applies to—

(A) Hospitals excluded from the prospective payment systems described in § 412.1(a)(1) of this subchapter;

(B) Psychiatric and rehabilitation units excluded from the prospective payment systems, as specified in § 412.1(a)(1) of this chapter and in accordance with § 412.25 through § 412.30 of this chapter, except as limited by paragraphs (a)(2)(iii) and (a)(2)(iv) of this section with respect to psychiatric and rehabilitation hospitals and psychiatric and rehabilitation units as specified in §§ 412.22, 412.23, 412.25, 412.27, 412.29 and 412.30 of this chapter.

(C) Long-term care hospitals excluded from the prospective payment systems described in § 412.1(a)(1) of this subchapter and in accordance with § 412.23 of this subchapter, except as limited by paragraph (a)(2)(v) of this section with respect to long-term care hospitals specified in § 412.23(e) of this subchapter.

(iii) For cost reporting periods beginning on or after October 1, 1983 and before January 1, 2005 this section applies to psychiatric hospitals and psychiatric units that are excluded from the prospective payment systems as specified in § 412.1(a)(1) of this chapter and paid under the prospective payment system as specified in § 412.1(a)(2) of this chapter.

(iv) For cost reporting periods beginning on or after October 1, 1983 and before January 1, 2002, this section applies to rehabilitation hospitals and rehabilitation units that are excluded from the prospective payment systems described in § 412.1(a)(1) of this subchapter.

(v) For cost reporting periods beginning on or after October 1, 1983 and before October 1, 2002, this section applies to long-term care hospitals that are excluded from the prospective payment systems described in § 412.1(a)(1) of this subchapter. For cost reporting periods beginning on or after October 1, 2002, and before October 1, 2006, this section also applies to long-term care hospitals, subject to paragraph (a)(2)(i)(D) of this section.

(3) Definitions. As used in this section—

Ceiling is the aggregate upper limit on the amount of a hospital's net Medicare inpatient operating costs that the program will recognize for payment purposes. For each cost reporting period, the ceiling is determined by multiplying the updated target amount, as defined in this paragraph, for that period by the number of Medicare discharges during that period. For a hospital-within-a-hospital, as described in § 412.22(e) of this chapter, the number of Medicare discharges in a cost reporting period does not include discharges of a patient to another hospital in the same building on or on the same campus, if—

(A) The patient is subsequently readmitted to the hospital-within-a-hospital directly from the other hospital; and

(B) The hospital-within-a-hospital has discharged to the other hospital and subsequently readmitted more than 5 percent (that is, in excess of 5.0 percent) of the total number of Medicare inpatients discharged from the hospital-within-a-hospital in that cost reporting period.

Date of discharge is the earliest of the following dates:

(A) The date the patient has exhausted Medicare Part A hospital inpatient benefits (including the election to use lifetime reserve days) during his or her spell of illness.

(B) The date the patient is formally released as specified in § 412.4(a)(1) of this chapter.

(C) The date the patient is transferred to another facility.

(D) The date the patient dies.

Market basket index is CMS's projection of the annual percentage increase in hospital inpatient operating costs. The market basket index is a wage and price index that incorporates weighted indicators of changes in wages and prices that are representative of the mix of goods and services included in the most common categories of hospital inpatient operating costs subject to the ceiling, as described in paragraph (c)(1) of this section.

Net inpatient operating costs include the costs of certain preadmission services as specified in paragraph (c)(2) of this section, the costs of routine services, ancillary services, and intensive care services (as defined in § 413.53(b)) incurred by a hospital in furnishing covered inpatient services to Medicare beneficiaries. Net inpatient operating costs exclude capital-related costs as described in § 413.130, the costs of approved medical education programs as described in §§ 413.75 through 413.83 and 413.85, and organ acquisition costs as specified in subpart L of this part incurred by approved transplant programs. These costs are identified and excluded from inpatient operating costs before the application of the ceiling.

Rate-of-increase percentage is the percentage by which each hospital's target amount from the preceding Federal fiscal year is increased.

Target amount is the per discharge (case) limitation, derived from the hospital's allowable net Medicare inpatient operating costs in the hospital's base year, and updated for each subsequent hospital cost reporting period by the appropriate annual rate-of-increase percentage.

Update adjustment percentage is the percentage by which a hospital's allowable inpatient operating service costs for the 12-month cost reporting period beginning in Federal fiscal year 1990 exceeds the hospital's ceiling for that period.

Update factor is the decimal equivalent of the rate-of-increase percentage. The update factor is the value by which a hospital's target amount for the preceding year is multiplied in order to determine the target amount for the following year. For example, if the rate-of-increase percentage for a year is 2.7 percent, the update factor for that year is 1.027.

(b) Cost reporting periods subject to the rate-of-increase ceiling—(1) Base period. Each hospital's target amount is based on its allowable net inpatient operating costs per case from the cost reporting period of at least 12 months immediately preceding the first cost reporting period subject to the rate-of-increase ceiling established under this section. If the immediately preceding cost reporting period is a short reporting period (fewer than 12 months), the first period of at least 12 months subsequent to that short period is the base period.

(i) The target amount established under this provision remains applicable to a hospital or excluded hospital unit, as described in §§ 412.25 through 412.30 of this chapter, despite intervening cost reporting periods during which the hospital or excluded hospital unit is not subject to the ceiling as a result of other provisions of the law or regulations, or nonparticipation in the Medicare program, unless the hospital or excluded hospital unit qualifies as a new hospital or excluded part hospital unit under the provisions of paragraph (f) of this section.

(ii) The base period for a newly established excluded unit is the first cost reporting period of at least 12 months following the unit's certification to participate in the Medicare program.

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