Carriers' procedural terminology and coding systems.

§ 405.512 Carriers' procedural terminology and coding systems.

(a) General. Procedural terminology and coding systems are designed to provide physicians and third party payers with a common language that accurately describes the kinds and levels of services provided and that can serve as a basis for coverage and payment determinations.

(b) Modification of terminology and/or coding systems. A carrier that wishes to modify its system of procedural terminology and coding shall submit its request to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services with all pertinent data and information for approval before the revision is implemented. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services will evaluate the proposal in the light of the guidelines specified in paragraph (c) of this section and such other considerations as may be pertinent, and consult with the Assistant Secretary for Health. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services will approve such a revision if it determines that the potential advantages of the proposed new system, outweigh the disadvantages.

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