Calculating GHG emissions.

§ 98.343 Calculating GHG emissions.

(a) For all landfills subject to the reporting requirements of this subpart, calculate annual modeled CH4 generation according to the applicable requirements in paragraphs (a)(1) through (a)(3) of this section.

(1) Calculate annual modeled CH4 generation using Equation HH-1 of this section.



GCH4 = Modeled methane generation rate in reporting year T (metric tons CH4). x = Year in which waste was disposed. S = Start year of calculation. Use the year 1960 or the opening year of the landfill, whichever is more recent. T = Reporting year for which emissions are calculated. WX = Quantity of waste disposed in the landfill in year × from measurement data, tipping fee receipts, or other company records (metric tons, as received (wet weight)). MCF = Methane correction factor (fraction). Use the default value of 1 unless there is active aeration of waste within the landfill during the reporting year. If there is active aeration of waste within the landfill during the reporting year, use either the default value of 1 or select an alternative value no less than 0.5 based on site-specific aeration parameters. DOC = Degradable organic carbon from Table HH-1 of this subpart [fraction (metric tons C/metric ton waste)]. DOCF = Fraction of DOC dissimilated (fraction). Use the default value of 0.5. F = Fraction by volume of CH4 in landfill gas from measurement data for the current reporting year, if available (fraction, dry basis, corrected to 0% oxygen); otherwise, use the default of 0.5. k = Rate constant from Table HH-1 to this subpart (yr−1). Select the most applicable k value for the majority of the past 10 years (or operating life, whichever is shorter).

(2) For years when material-specific waste quantity data are available, apply Equation HH-1 of this section for each waste quantity type and sum the CH4 generation rates for all waste types to calculate the total modeled CH4 generation rate for the landfill. Use the appropriate parameter values for k, DOC, MCF, DOCF, and F shown in Table HH-1 of this subpart. The annual quantity of each type of waste disposed must be calculated as the sum of the daily quantities of waste (of that type) disposed. You may use the bulk waste parameters for a portion of your waste materials when using the material-specific modeling approach for mixed waste streams that cannot be designated to a specific material type. For years when waste composition data are not available, use the bulk waste parameter values for k and DOC in Table HH-1 to this subpart for the total quantity of waste disposed in those years.

(3) Beginning in the first emissions reporting year and for each year thereafter, if scales are in place, you must determine the annual quantity of waste (in metric tons as received, i.e., wet weight) disposed of in the landfill using paragraph (a)(3)(i) of this section for all containers and for all vehicles used to haul waste to the landfill, except for passenger cars, light duty pickup trucks, or waste loads that cannot be measured using the scales due to physical limitations (load cannot physically access or fit on the scale) and/or operational limitations of the scale (load exceeding the limits or sensitivity range of the scale). If scales are not in place, you must use paragraph (a)(3)(ii) of this section to determine the annual quantity of waste disposed. For waste hauled to the landfill in passenger cars or light duty pickup trucks, you may use either paragraph (a)(3)(i) or paragraph (a)(3)(ii) of this section to determine the annual quantity of waste disposed. For loads that cannot be measured using the scales due to physical and/or operational limitations of the scale, you must use paragraph (a)(3)(ii) of this section or similar engineering calculations to determine the annual quantity of waste disposed. The approach used to determine the annual quantity of waste disposed of must be documented in the monitoring plan.

(i) Use direct mass measurements of each individual load received at the landfill using either of the following methods:

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