Bills of health

42 U.S. Code § 269. Bills of health

(a) Detail of medical officer; conditions precedent to issuance; consular officer to receive fees
Except as otherwise prescribed in regulations, any vessel at any foreign port or place clearing or departing for any port or place in a State or possession shall be required to obtain from the consular officer of the United States or from the Public Health Service officer, or other medical officer of the United States designated by the Surgeon General, at the port or place of departure, a bill of health in duplicate, in the form prescribed by the Surgeon General. The President, from time to time, shall specify the ports at which a medical officer shall be stationed for this purpose. Such bill of health shall set forth the sanitary history and condition of said vessel, and shall state that it has in all respects complied with the regulations prescribed pursuant to subsection (c). Before granting such duplicate bill of health, such consular or medical officer shall be satisfied that the matters and things therein stated are true. The consular officer shall be entitled to demand and receive the fees for bills of health and such fees shall be established by regulation.
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