Beneficiary protections for qualified prescription drug coverage

42 U.S. Code § 1395w-104. Beneficiary protections for qualified prescription drug coverage

(a) Dissemination of information
(1) General information
(A) Application of MA information
A PDP sponsor shall disclose, in a clear, accurate, and standardized form to each enrollee with a prescription drug plan offered by the sponsor under this part at the time of enrollment and at least annually thereafter, the information described in section 1395w–22(c)(1) of this title relating to such plan, insofar as the Secretary determines appropriate with respect to benefits provided under this part, and, subject to subparagraph (C), including the information described in subparagraph (B).
(B) Drug specific informationThe information described in this subparagraph is information concerning the following:
Access to specific covered part D drugs, including access through pharmacy networks.
How any formulary (including any tiered formulary structure) used by the sponsor functions, including a description of how a part D eligible individual may obtain information on the formulary consistent with paragraph (3).
Beneficiary cost-sharing requirements and how a part D eligible individual may obtain information on such requirements, including tiered or other copayment level applicable to each drug (or class of drugs), consistent with paragraph (3).
The medication therapy management program required under subsection (c).
The drug management program for at-risk beneficiaries under subsection (c)(5).
(vi) For plan year 2021 and each subsequent plan year, subject to subparagraph (C), with respect to the treatment of pain—
the risks associated with prolonged opioid use; and
(II) coverage of nonpharmacological therapies, devices, and nonopioid medications—
in the case of an MA–PD plan under part C, under such plan; and
in the case of a prescription drug plan, under such plan and under parts A and B.
(C) Targeted provision of information
A PDP sponsor of a prescription drug plan may, in lieu of disclosing the information described in subparagraph (B)(vi) to each enrollee under the plan, disclose such information through mail or electronic communications to a subset of enrollees under the plan, such as enrollees who have been prescribed an opioid in the previous 2-year period.
(2) Disclosure upon request of general coverage, utilization, and grievance information
Upon request of a part D eligible individual who is eligible to enroll in a prescription drug plan, the PDP sponsor offering such plan shall provide information similar (as determined by the Secretary) to the information described in subparagraphs (A), (B), and (C) of section 1395w–22(c)(2) of this title to such individual.
(3) Provision of specific information
(A) Response to beneficiary questions
Each PDP sponsor offering a prescription drug plan shall have a mechanism for providing specific information on a timely basis to enrollees upon request. Such mechanism shall include access to information through the use of a toll-free telephone number and, upon request, the provision of such information in writing.
(B) Availability of information on changes in formulary through the Internet
A PDP sponsor offering a prescription drug plan shall make available on a timely basis through an Internet website information on specific changes in the formulary under the plan (including changes to tiered or preferred status of covered part D drugs).
(4) Claims informationA PDP sponsor offering a prescription drug plan must furnish to each enrollee in a form easily understandable to such enrollees—
an explanation of benefits (in accordance with section 1395b–7(a) of this title or in a comparable manner); and
(B) when prescription drug benefits are provided under this part, a notice of the benefits in relation to—
for a year preceding 2025, the initial coverage limit for the current year; and
the annual out-of-pocket threshold for the current year.
Notices under subparagraph (B) need not be provided more often than as specified by the Secretary and notices under subparagraph (B)(ii) shall take into account the application of section 1395w–102(b)(4)(C) of this title to the extent practicable, as specified by the Secretary.
(b) Access to covered part D drugs
(1) Assuring pharmacy access
(A) Participation of any willing pharmacy
A prescription drug plan shall permit the participation of any pharmacy that meets the terms and conditions under the plan.
(B) Discounts allowed for network pharmacies
For covered part D drugs dispensed through in-network pharmacies, a prescription drug plan may, notwithstanding subparagraph (A), reduce coinsurance or copayments for part D eligible individuals enrolled in the plan below the level otherwise required. In no case shall such a reduction result in an increase in payments made by the Secretary under section 1395w–115 of this title to a plan.
(C) Convenient access for network pharmacies
(i) In general
The PDP sponsor of the prescription drug plan shall secure the participation in its network of a sufficient number of pharmacies that dispense (other than by mail order) drugs directly to patients to ensure convenient access (consistent with rules established by the Secretary).
(ii) Application of TRICARE standards
The Secretary shall establish rules for convenient access to in-network pharmacies under this subparagraph that are no less favorable to enrollees than the rules for convenient access to pharmacies included in the statement of work of solicitation (#MDA906–03–R–0002) of the Department of Defense under the TRICARE Retail Pharmacy (TRRx) as of March 13, 2003.
(iii) Adequate emergency access
Such rules shall include adequate emergency access for enrollees.
(iv) Convenient access in long-term care facilities
Such rules may include standards with respect to access for enrollees who are residing in long-term care facilities and for pharmacies operated by the Indian Health Service, Indian tribes and tribal organizations, and urban Indian organizations (as defined in section 1603 of title 25).
(D) Level playing field
Such a sponsor shall permit enrollees to receive benefits (which may include a 90-day supply of drugs or biologicals) through a pharmacy (other than a mail order pharmacy), with any differential in charge paid by such enrollees.
(E) Not required to accept insurance risk
The terms and conditions under subparagraph (A) may not require participating pharmacies to accept insurance risk as a condition of participation.
(2) Use of standardized technology
(A) In general
The PDP sponsor of a prescription drug plan shall issue (and reissue, as appropriate) such a card (or other technology) that may be used by an enrollee to assure access to negotiated prices under section 1395w–102(d) of this title.
(B) Standards
(i) In general
The Secretary shall provide for the development, adoption, or recognition of standards relating to a standardized format for the card or other technology required under subparagraph (A). Such standards shall be compatible with part C of subchapter XI and may be based on standards developed by an appropriate standard setting organization.
(ii) Consultation
In developing the standards under clause (i), the Secretary shall consult with the National Council for Prescription Drug Programs and other standard setting organizations determined appropriate by the Secretary.
(iii) Implementation
The Secretary shall develop, adopt, or recognize the standards under clause (i) by such date as the Secretary determines shall be sufficient to ensure that PDP sponsors utilize such standards beginning January 1, 2006.
(3) Requirements on development and application of formulariesIf a PDP sponsor of a prescription drug plan uses a formulary (including the use of tiered cost-sharing), the following requirements must be met:
(A) Development and revision by a pharmacy and therapeutic (P&T) committee
(i) In general
The formulary must be developed and reviewed by a pharmacy and therapeutic committee. A majority of the members of such committee shall consist of individuals who are practicing physicians or practicing pharmacists (or both).
(ii) Inclusion of independent expertsSuch committee shall include at least one practicing physician and at least one practicing pharmacist, each of whom—
is independent and free of conflict with respect to the sponsor and plan; and
has expertise in the care of elderly or disabled persons.
(B) Formulary developmentIn developing and reviewing the formulary, the committee shall—
base clinical decisions on the strength of scientific evidence and standards of practice, including assessing peer-reviewed medical literature, such as randomized clinical trials, pharmacoeconomic studies, outcomes research data, and on such other information as the committee determines to be appropriate; and
take into account whether including in the formulary (or in a tier in such formulary) particular covered part D drugs has therapeutic advantages in terms of safety and efficacy.
(C) Inclusion of drugs in all therapeutic categories and classes
(i) In general
Subject to subparagraph (G), the formulary must include drugs within each therapeutic category and class of covered part D drugs, although not necessarily all drugs within such categories and classes.
(ii) Model guidelines
The Secretary shall request the United States Pharmacopeia to develop, in consultation with pharmaceutical benefit managers and other interested parties, a list of categories and classes that may be used by prescription drug plans under this paragraph and to revise such classification from time to time to reflect changes in therapeutic uses of covered part D drugs and the additions of new covered part D drugs.
(iii) Limitation on changes in therapeutic classification
The PDP sponsor of a prescription drug plan may not change the therapeutic categories and classes in a formulary other than at the beginning of each plan year except as the Secretary may permit to take into account new therapeutic uses and newly approved covered part D drugs.
(D) Provider and patient education
The PDP sponsor shall establish policies and procedures to educate and inform health care providers and enrollees concerning the formulary.
(E) Notice before removing drug from formulary or changing preferred or tier status of drug
Any removal of a covered part D drug from a formulary and any change in the preferred or tiered cost-sharing status of such a drug shall take effect only after appropriate notice is made available (such as under subsection (a)(3)) to the Secretary, affected enrollees, physicians, pharmacies, and pharmacists.
(F) Periodic evaluation of protocols
In connection with the formulary, the sponsor of a prescription drug plan shall provide for the periodic evaluation and analysis of treatment protocols and procedures.
(G) Required inclusion of drugs in certain categories and classes
(i) Formulary requirements
(I) In general
Subject to subclause (II), a PDP sponsor offering a prescription drug plan shall be required to include all covered part D drugs in the categories and classes identified by the Secretary under clause (ii)(I).
(II) Exceptions
The Secretary may establish exceptions that permit a PDP sponsor offering a prescription drug plan to exclude from its formulary a particular covered part D drug in a category or class that is otherwise required to be included in the formulary under subclause (I) (or to otherwise limit access to such a drug, including through prior authorization or utilization management).
(ii) Identification of drugs in certain categories and classes
(I) In general
Subject to clause (iv), the Secretary shall identify, as appropriate, categories and classes of drugs for which the Secretary determines are of clinical concern.
(II) Criteria
The Secretary shall use criteria established by the Secretary in making any determination under subclause (I).
(iii) Implementation
The Secretary shall establish the criteria under clause (ii)(II) and any exceptions under clause (i)(II) through the promulgation of a regulation which includes a public notice and comment period.
(iv) Requirement for certain categories and classes until criteria establishedUntil such time as the Secretary establishes the criteria under clause (ii)(II) the following categories and classes of drugs shall be identified under clause (ii)(I):
Immunosuppressants for the treatment of transplant rejection.
(H) Use of single, uniform exceptions and appeals processNotwithstanding any other provision of this part, each PDP sponsor of a prescription drug plan shall—
use a single, uniform exceptions and appeals process (including, to the extent the Secretary determines feasible, a single, uniform model form for use under such process) with respect to the determination of prescription drug coverage for an enrollee under the plan; and
provide instant access to such process by enrollees through a toll-free telephone number and an Internet website.
(I) Required inclusion of selected drugs
(i) In general
For 2026 and each subsequent year, the PDP sponsor offering a prescription drug plan shall include each covered part D drug that is a selected drug under section 1320f–1 of this title for which a maximum fair price (as defined in section 1320f(c)(3) of this title) is in effect with respect to the year.
(ii) Clarification
Nothing in clause (i) shall be construed as prohibiting a PDP sponsor from removing such a selected drug from a formulary if such removal would be permitted under section 423.120(b)(5)(iv) of title 42, Code of Federal Regulations (or any successor regulation).
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