Base Year Emissions Inventory.

§ 52.2425 Base Year Emissions Inventory.

(a) EPA approves as a revision to the Virginia Implementation Plan the 1990 base year emission inventory for the Washington Metropolitan Statistical Area, submitted by Director, Virginia Department of Environmental Quality, on November 1, 1993, April 3, 1995 and October 12, 1995. This submittal consists of the 1990 base year stationary, area and off-road mobile and on-road mobile emission inventories in the Washington Statistical Area for the pollutant, carbon monoxide (CO).

(b) EPA approves as a revision to the Virginia State Implementation Plan the 1990 base year emission inventories for the Richmond-Petersburg, Norfolk-Virginia Beach, and Smyth County ozone nonattainment areas submitted by the Director, Virginia Department of Environmental Quality on November 11, 1992, November 18, 1992, November 1, 1993, and December 15, 1994. These submittals consist of the 1990 base year point, area, non-road mobile, biogenic and on-road mobile source emission inventories in each area for the following pollutants: volatile organic compounds (VOC), carbon monoxide (CO), and oxides of nitrogen (NOX).

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