Automated data processing

42 U.S. Code § 654a. Automated data processing

(a) In general
In order for a State to meet the requirements of this section, the State agency administering the State program under this part shall have in operation a single statewide automated data processing and information retrieval system which has the capability to perform the tasks specified in this section with the frequency and in the manner required by or under this part.
(b) Program managementThe automated system required by this section shall perform such functions as the Secretary may specify relating to management of the State program under this part, including—
controlling and accounting for use of Federal, State, and local funds in carrying out the program; and
maintaining the data necessary to meet Federal reporting requirements under this part on a timely basis.
(c) Calculation of performance indicatorsIn order to enable the Secretary to determine the incentive payments and penalty adjustments required by sections 652(g) and 658a of this title, the State agency shall—
(1) use the automated system—
to maintain the requisite data on State performance with respect to paternity establishment and child support enforcement in the State; and
to calculate the paternity establishment percentage for the State for each fiscal year; and
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