Authorized types of assistance.

§ 35.3120 Authorized types of assistance.

The SRF may provide seven general types of financial assistance.

(a) Loans. The SRF may award loans at or below market interest rates, or for zero interest.

(1) Loans may be awarded only if:

(i) All principal and interest payments on loans are credited directly to the SRF;

(ii) The annual repayment of principal and payment of interest begins not later than one year after project completion;

(iii) The loan is fully amortized not later than twenty years after project completion; and

(iv) Each loan recipient establishes one or more dedicated sources of revenue for repayment of the loan.

(2) Where construction of a treatment works has been phased or segmented, loan repayment requirements apply to the completion of individual phases or segments.

(b) Refinancing existing debt obligations. The SRF may buy or refinance local debt obligations at or below market rates, where the initial debt was incurred after March 7, 1985, and building began after that date.

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