Assessment monitoring program.

§ 258.55 Assessment monitoring program.

(a) Assessment monitoring is required whenever a statistically significant increase over background has been detected for one or more of the constituents listed in the appendix I to this part or in the alternative list approved in accordance with § 258.54(a)(2).

(b) Within 90 days of triggering an assessment monitoring program, and annually thereafter, the owner or operator must sample and analyze the ground water for all constituents identified in appendix II to this part. A minimum of one sample from each downgradient well must be collected and analyzed during each sampling event. For any constituent detected in the downgradient wells as a result of the complete appendix II analysis, a minimum of four independent samples from each well (background and downgradient) must be collected and analyzed to establish background for the constituents. The Director of an approved State may specify an appropriate subset of wells to be sampled and analyzed for appendix II constituents during assessment monitoring. The Director of an approved State may delete any of the appendix II monitoring parameters for a MSWLF unit if it can be shown that the removed constituents are not reasonably expected to be in or derived from the waste contained in the unit.

(c) The Director of an approved State may specify an appropriate alternate frequency for repeated sampling and analysis for the full set of appendix II constituents required by § 258.55(b) of this part, during the active life (including closure) and post-closure care of the unit considering the following factors:

(1) Lithology of the aquifer and unsaturated zone;

(2) Hydraulic conductivity of the aquifer and unsaturated zone;

(3) Ground-water flow rates;

(4) Minimum distance between upgradient edge of the MSWLF unit and downgradient monitoring well screen (minimum distance of travel);

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