Assessment monitoring program.

§ 257.95 Assessment monitoring program.

(a) Assessment monitoring is required whenever a statistically significant increase over background levels has been detected for one or more of the constituents listed in appendix III to this part.

(b) Within 90 days of triggering an assessment monitoring program, and annually thereafter, the owner or operator of the CCR unit must sample and analyze the groundwater for all constituents listed in appendix IV to this part. The number of samples collected and analyzed for each well during each sampling event must be consistent with § 257.93(e), and must account for any unique characteristics of the site, but must be at least one sample from each well.

(c) The owner or operator of a CCR unit may demonstrate the need for an alternative monitoring frequency for repeated sampling and analysis for constituents listed in appendix IV to this part during the active life and the post-closure care period based on the availability of groundwater. If there is not adequate groundwater flow to sample wells semiannually, the alternative frequency shall be no less than annual. The need to vary monitoring frequency must be evaluated on a site-specific basis. The demonstration must be supported by, at a minimum, the information specified in paragraphs (c)(1) and (2) of this section.

(1) Information documenting that the need for less frequent sampling. The alternative frequency must be based on consideration of the following factors:

(i) Lithology of the aquifer and unsaturated zone;

(ii) Hydraulic conductivity of the aquifer and unsaturated zone; and

(iii) Groundwater flow rates.

(2) Information documenting that the alternative frequency will be no less effective in ensuring that any leakage from the CCR unit will be discovered within a timeframe that will not materially delay the initiation of any necessary remediation measures.

(3) The owner or operator must obtain a certification from a qualified professional engineer or approval from the Participating State Director or approval from EPA where EPA is the permitting authority stating that the demonstration for an alternative groundwater sampling and analysis frequency meets the requirements of this section. The owner or operator must include the demonstration providing the basis for the alternative monitoring frequency and the certification by a qualified professional engineer or the approval from the Participating State Director or the approval from EPA where EPA is the permitting authority in the annual groundwater monitoring and corrective action report required by § 257.90(e).

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