Approval of State plans and amendments.

§ 301.13 Approval of State plans and amendments.

The State plan consists of records furnished by the State to cover its Child Support Enforcement program under title IV-D of the Act. After approval of the original plan by the Office, all relevant changes, required by new statutes, rules, regulations, interpretations, and court decisions, are required to be submitted currently so that the Office may determine whether the plan continues to meet Federal requirements and policies.

(a) Submittal. State plans and revisions of the plans are submitted first to the State governor or his designee for review in accordance with § 301.12, and then to the regional office. The States are encouraged to obtain consultation of the regional staff when a plan is in process of preparation or revision.

(b) Review. The Office of Child Support Enforcement in the regional offices is responsible for review of State plans and amendments. It also initiates discussion with the IV-D agency on clarification of significant aspects of the plan which come to its attention in the course of this review. State plan material on which the regional staff has questions concerning the application of Federal policy is referred with recommendations as required to the Office of Child Support Enforcement in the central office for technical assistance. Comments and suggestions, including those of consultants in specified areas, may be prepared by the central office for use by the regional staff in negotiations with the IV-D agency.

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